Friday, November 27, 2015

Updates 101: Xbox One!

Hey everyone, Dan here from TheDiamondMinecart  (No, WTF am i saying?)

Anyways, as a gamer, I will (or say "HAVE") a One. BUT, I am not opening the sh*t until Xmas. So, what games do I have for the One? I don't want to make a long, boring list like on my web, but it is not long. Here we go:

  • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (I know it is shit, but it may just be the critics hating Robomodo)
  • FIFA 16
  • Forza Motorsport 6
Not long, eh? I also plan to renew gold for 2016! This gives me MORE free games, deals, and less waits on Skate 3. (Yes, Skate 3 is going to be backwards-compatible with the One)

Oh, and I don't have iOS or Android. I have WP 8.1(period)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

IRL: Game creation cancelled

Sploder will be shut down due to time and lag. The level won't be playable because it deleted my progress. :-(

Sunday, April 5, 2015

IRL?: UT85

My friend and PS4's 379 manager UltimoTrain85 scores a goal in practice. Actually he didn't it was an own goal by Tim.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

IRL: Creating Game using Sploder!

Hey, Whats Up?

I am currently creating my first game! How cool is that? Yea, I am starting on the first level of the first 3 areas, publish that as beta, then create the rest.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Playday: MLK Day!

You just don't know how to have fun tomorrow? Well now you do!

Join me tomorrow on Xbox Live in celebration of Martin Luther King!

More Info Here

Email me for more info.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Updates 101: A better and Cooler blog!

Hi this is my new blog!


Updates 101: Just Updates
Playdays: Google+ Events where I play for a reason
IRL: What I am doing
